• Bill Gates is not a medical professional
  • Bill Gates is not an epidemiologist
  • Bill Gates is not a doctor
  • Bill Gates is acting for his own benefit
  • Bill Gates is a corporate oligarch
  • Bill Gates is a globalist
  • Bill Gates does NOT care about you.
  • Bill Gates does care about power.

Source: https://twitter.com/robbystarbuck/status/1338245710219710464

Bill Gates Shares His Thoughts On “The Next Pandemic”

Bill Gates: “You know, we’ll have to prepare for the next one (pandemic). That, I’d say *will* get attention this time” (smug SMIRK) 


WATCH: Bill Gates says meetings with Jeffrey Epstein were ‘a mistake’

When asked if he has learned any lessons from the situation he responds, “Well, he’s dead…so…ummm…you know, in general, you always have to be careful…umm…and…I’m…I’m very proud of what we have done with philanthropy.”

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNAwUxZ5nfw