Possible Cures For Cancer

  • Apricot Seeds
  • Chlorine Dioxide
  • Vitamin B17

Apricot Seeds

Apricot seeds contain Laetrile & other substances thought to fight cancer. There are books about Laetrile. But these seeds are transformed into cyanide in body. FDA and NIH say they are toxic, but who believes anything those crooks say. Nevertheless, self-treatment is dangerous.

Man Put In Prison For Curing Cancer With Apricot Seeds

  • https://twitter.com/its_the_Dr/status/1562852433692278784
  • “It’s the Laetrile or Vit B17 inside.”
  • “Apricot seeds contain Laetrile & other substances thought to fight cancer. There are books about Laetrile. But these seeds are transformed into cyanide in body. FDA and NIH say they are toxic, but who believes anything those crooks say. Nevertheless, self-treatment is dangerous.”
  • “The arsenic is a molecule in the chemical compound of Laetrile or B17. The +/- attraction between arsenic & cancer cells attracts the arsenic molecule to the cancer cell. Killing the cancer cell. That is the theory. Not my theory, of course.”
  • “Self treatment is the only thing that works. Chemo and radiation cause cancer. It’s common when people take those so-called “treatments”, the treatments are what kill them. Cancer happens when your immune system is low. Your body conquers cancer when you boost immunity.”
  • https://www.crossify.com/2021/06/the-story-of-jason-vale-and-apricot-seeds-as-suppressed-cure-for-cancer/


A World Without Cancer – The Story of Vitamin B17

Source: https://youtu.be/sKhzbcpI_ro


Oklahoma man cures his cancer with dog dewormer (an anti parasitic) after being sent home to die

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