
The narrative from leftist media is that white people have “white privilege” in America that enables them to get away with crimes and make more money than black people. This is easily debunked by simply looking at income statistics in the US in which there are 8 other racial groups that make more money than white people in America. If systemic racism was real, then it would apply to white Americans as they don’t make as much money as Indians, Filipinos, Taiwanese, Sri Lanken, Japanese, Malaysian, Chinese and Pakistanis.

white privilege debunked

White Privilege Does Not Exist & There Is No Evidence To Support The Claim

There is ZERO evidence to support the claim that white people have “white privilege”. All one needs to do is look at which ethnic groups make the most money in America to see that white people are not at the top, yet we never hear about “Asian American Privilege” or “Indian American Privilege”. Andy why not? After all, they are the richest racial group in America. Give me an example of institutional discrimination. 

There’s good choice privilege, wealth privilege and nuclear family privilege, but that has nothing to do with the color of your skin.

