covid nurses dancing

Dancing Nurses Proved There Was No Pandemic

Never forget how they told you it was the most deadliest pandemic in the history of mankind, yet they had plenty of time to make TikTok videos for views and likes. In many regards, we owe them a debt of gratitude for showing us it was all fake.          …

australia doctors censored covid

Top Australian Doctor Who Advocated for COVID Vaccine Finally Breaks Her Silence – Says Doctors are Censored – Reveals She and Her Wife Both Suffer Serious COVID Shot Injuries

Former Australian Medical Association President Dr. Kerryn Phelps has finally broken her silence about the “devastating” side effects she and her wife experienced after receiving the Covid vaccine. She criticized regulators for their attempts to control the public by threatening the doctors. Professor Kerryn Phelps was an outspoken advocate of mass Covid vaccinations for both…

covid vaccine deaths

Vaccinated People Now Make Majority of Covid Deaths In US

In September 2021, vaccinated people made up just 23% of coronavirus fatalities. By August 2022, it was up to 58%. In a startling revelation, a Washington Post analysis has found that more vaccinated people are now dying of the Covid disease and 58% of coronavirus deaths in August in the US “were people who were…

forbes covid vaccine gaslighting

COVID Gaslighting: Unvaccinated People Increase Risk Of Covid Infection Among Vaccinated

In the latest attempt to gaslight the American people that have critical thinking skills, an article has now been released claiming that “Unvaccinated People Increase Risk Of Covid Infection Among Vaccinated”. No where in the article does it point out that vaccines are supposed to prevent you from getting the virus you’ve been vaccinated against….

haiti covid deaths

Experts Puzzled By Why Haiti Has One of the Lowest COVID-19 Death Rates In the World Despite Administering Zero Vaccine Doses: ‘We Don’t Know’

For months, health experts have tried to pinpoint the reason for Haiti’s inexplicitly low COVID-19 death rate as other countries continue to struggle to contain exploding numbers of cases and deaths. In India, a global hotspot for the virus, the seven-day average for cases has reached 385,000, while deaths have routinely topped 3,000 a day…


Why I Stopped Worrying About COVID and Will Not Take The Jab

The CDC admitted that the survival rate was 99.997% for kids under 20 and 99.98% for people between 20-49 years old. A study came out showing 82% of COVID patients were Vitamin D deficient. Even Fauci started taking Vitamin D and personally recommended it, but it was never officially recommended. Why? Ivermectin and HCQ were…


COVID Update

Healthy Perspective You have the right to opt out of Rona Mania and live your life as you wish. You don’t actually have to care about the fear and paranoia. You are under no obligation to buy into the hysteria and the “solutions” to it. Counter Argument In which case, you are opting to be…