haiti covid deaths

Experts Puzzled By Why Haiti Has One of the Lowest COVID-19 Death Rates In the World Despite Administering Zero Vaccine Doses: ‘We Don’t Know’

For months, health experts have tried to pinpoint the reason for Haiti’s inexplicitly low COVID-19 death rate as other countries continue to struggle to contain exploding numbers of cases and deaths. In India, a global hotspot for the virus, the seven-day average for cases has reached 385,000, while deaths have routinely topped 3,000 a day…


Why I Stopped Worrying About COVID and Will Not Take The Jab

The CDC admitted that the survival rate was 99.997% for kids under 20 and 99.98% for people between 20-49 years old. A study came out showing 82% of COVID patients were Vitamin D deficient. Even Fauci started taking Vitamin D and personally recommended it, but it was never officially recommended. Why? Ivermectin and HCQ were…


COVID Update

Healthy Perspective You have the right to opt out of Rona Mania and live your life as you wish. You don’t actually have to care about the fear and paranoia. You are under no obligation to buy into the hysteria and the “solutions” to it. Counter Argument In which case, you are opting to be…



Holy Radar – that’s the Kracken!!! Who knew it is a Department of Defense Cyber Warfare Program? It Tracks Systems and acquires evidence of nefarious activities and crimes committed by The Deep State! When Sidney Powell stated she HAS RELEASED THE KRAKEN, most of us thought of Clash of the Titans and cheered her on…

The Communist Pope Blames Economic Problems on Capitalism Instead of COVID Lockdowns

The Communist Pope Blames Economic Problems on Capitalism Instead of COVID Lockdowns

If you’re Catholic, then you know that the current pope is a giant SJW communist and this just further proves it. He is literally trying top blame capitalism for the shitty economic situation that was caused by the pandemic and the retards that locked down their states and countries. This pope has to go! Don’t…

The LEFT Now Says All White Americans Are Racist

The LEFT Now Says All White Americans Are Racist

To no ones surprise, the LEFT now says ALL WHITE AMERICANS are racist. Congratulations America! By not keeping the crazy communists in check, you’ve allowed them to spiral so far out of control, that now all 234 MILLION Americans that happen to be caucasian are now racist be definition.  These are the people that control…

white supremacy fires hurricanes

The LEFT Now Says That Wildfires and Hurricanes Are Caused By White Supremacy

In today’s latest attack on white people, I present to you the latest article from News Break: California environmental professor argues ‘white supremacy’ is the cause of wildfires and hurricanes An environmental professor at Santa Clarita University in California recently blamed the global “climate crisis” — which he says has resulted in raging wildfires on…

Hispanic People Are Now White Supremacists According To The LEFT

Hispanic People Are Now White Supremacists According To The LEFT

In a recent Joe Biden Ad, he accused Kyle Rittenhouse of being a white supremacist and is now getting sued for doing so by Kyle’s lawyer, Lin Wood.  The communist LEFT has been trying to take every event that features a hispanic / latino person and simply call them “white” in order to continue to…

white women egypt

‘White people’ Slammed for Opening Ancient Egyptian Mummy Tomb

The war on white people and Western Civilization continues with today’s latest attack seen in the New York Post. These people simply hate white people, pure and simple, and will look for any opportunity to take an event and make it about “white people bad.” This is exactly what the Nazis did the jews before…