I Never Cared

I never cared: I never cared if you were “gay“ until you started shoving it in my face, and the faces of our children. I never cared what colour you were, until you started blaming my race for your problems. I never cared about your political affiliation until you started to condemn me for mine….

Global Warming Is Fake News
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How and Why The Media Makes You Believe Global Warming Is Real

Here’s a perfect example of how the main stream media makes you believe global warming is an existential threat that MUST BE addressed now or we will all die!!!! Video Title: 11,000 ‘scientists’ warn about climate change? FAKE NEWS! | Ezra Levant Source: Rebel News and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vs3ZPGLPiss CBC Video Shown in Above Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SD-Mrv7QLQ Frequently…

Leftists Want Equality of Outcomes Not Equality of Opportunities

In New York City, an Attack on Programs for Gifted Students Leave Every Child Behind https://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/ny-oped-what-the-gifted-education-fight-is-really-about-20190920-vry2cqgpyvhw7or4jft3qa2eqm-story.html https://www.forbes.com/sites/nataliewexler/2019/08/28/to-address-inequity-lets-do-more-than-eliminate-gifted-and-talented-programs/#7551116255ae https://nypost.com/2019/08/26/school-diversity-panel-wants-city-to-scrap-gifted-programs/  

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Red Flag Laws

SHOCKING: Democrats’ Red Flag Laws Meant to Take Weapons from Rural Gun Owners – But Not Gang Members Who Commit 80% of Gun Homicides http://www.cuzzblue.com/2019/09/shocking-democrats-red-flag-laws-meant.html Democrats Reject ‘Red Flag’ Amendment So Law Enforcement Can’t Target Gang Databases Democrats Reject ‘Red Flag’ Amendment So Law Enforcement Can’t Target Gang Databases RED FLAG LAWS DISARM LEGAL GUN…


Socialism claims you’ll never have another want in your life and that the government will provide you with all the food you need. Sounds great, but it’s a utopian pipe dream that ALWAYS leads to suffering. One only needs to look to Venezuela to see what life is like in a Socialist country. The first…